Water Jetting Association Training
Amongst other training we can provide to our customers we specialize in the UK Water Jetting Association training
We are are amongst a handful of businesses in the UK that are approved to deliver the full suite of WJA Water Jetting training. We also currently hold a seat on the WJA ruling Council & Training committee
WJA Safety Awareness
The starting point for training is the mandatory SA module, this can be taken alone for Managers, Supervisors & Permit writers as a non operative card or can be followed up with an additional practical module to complete a full operatives card
One day course - Theory based
WJA Drain & Sewer
This module adds the specific theory & practical content required to obtain a full operative photocard & certificate
WJA Surface Preparation
This module adds the specific theory & practical content required to obtain a full operative photocard & certificate
WJA Tube & Pipe
This module adds the specific theory & practical content required to obtain a full operative photocard & certificate
WJA Hydrodemolition
This module adds the specific theory & practical content required to obtain a full operative photocard & certificate
WJA Pressure Washer
This is a standalone course completed in one day not requiring any prerequisites. Operatives that use Pressure Washers up to 3000psi / 207 bar